Thursday, June 09, 2005

A loophole of the Government

It turns out that there is a "loophole of the Government" that allows people to incite violence and burn the American Flag. This whole time we have been told that it was a God given right, inalienable right, the right to assemble and the right to speak freely without fear of being jailed, tortured or killed by the Government. But according to a group of Islamist Jihadist in New York yesterday, its just a "loophole". For more information on these "peaceful" Islamists see World Net Daily story:

Somebody help me out here. I know that we have a right to assemble and demonstrate. We also have a right - despite patriotic feelings to the contrary - to burn the US flag. But, just like we do NOT have a right to scream "fire" in a crowded theatre when there is no fire, I don't believe we have a right to incite violence. We don't have a right to call for an uprising to take arms against the US. Should these jihadist come to Dallas and pull the same shit down here, I'm going to test the extent of the First Amendment. If someone is burning the flag (again, not against the law) while at the same time calling on 6 million American Muslims to take up arms against the US, I think I have a pretty good case for "inciting violence". The violence in this case will be the violent end of my fist against their "peaceful" face. Should they "incite" me enough, it may very well turn into a clash of the First and Second Amendment.

Ok. Let me calm down and recap. Every US citizen is allowed to protest the US policies here and abroad, accuse the US Government of make believe atrocities, burn the flag, etc. I detest those acts, but I cherish the right to do those things. But when you attempt to organize an armed conflict against the US - well, that dog don't hunt.

Its time that people who love this country stand up more against these people who hate it. Stand up in the same fashion as they. If they burn the flag, throw water on it. If they shout "Allah is great, death to America", we should sing "God Bless America". Match their rhetoric and tone. Refuse to be shouted down. Make this country so Free and Patriotic that they can no longer stand it - and they LEAVE!

For more on this see the Powerline link on the right.

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