Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Attention illegals - Free education available, please hurry!

I often get a “whatever” look from friends and family when I go off on a political rant for whatever reason. Usually my wife half pretends to give a flip about what I am ranting about, but I know she thinks I get worked up for nothing, same for my sister in law…until today.

A little background, my sister in law (we will call her Kim), is recently remarried and will be moving with her new husband to Lewisville, TX next month. She has an awesome 4-year old son who has stayed at home with mom the whole time (no daycare). Kim called Lewisville Schools to inquire about their pre-K program – thinking that now is a good time to get my nephew acclimated with other kids and get a jump on structured learning.

That’s the background - here is the outrage. The representative for the school district said that of course they have a pre-K program and that my nephew would be welcomed there as long as he fit into one of the following categories:

- Needs help with English (i.e. are his parents illegal immigrants)
- Homeless
- Parents in the active duty military
- Economically disadvantaged

Lets think about that for a second. The one redeeming quality to their completely absurd guidelines is that they are providing assistance to families who are fighting for our freedom on a daily basis – no further discussion needed on that point.

But here is a prime example of what is wrong with the education system in general and illegal immigration specifically. The nanny welfare state has been too busy spending the tax money of hard working citizens on people who are not paying a dime – in particular on people who are here illegally and are not paying a dime. I have compassion for the single mom or dad who works his tale off and still needs to get little Johnny or Susie in to pre-K. I have compassion for the mom who has seen their family’s income go down because dad was called up to fight and needs help. But I have zero compassion for Pedro who has come to this country (with his 8 kids) illegally and now demands that I have to educate his children while mine get to sit at home. I get to spend $150 week on private school in order to provide an early learning environment while Pedro sends his to school for free!

The solution: stop providing the incentives that keep the stream of illegal aliens coming - like free education, free health care, no threat of deportation, etc. Once this stream is significantly reduced – meaning those true “immigrants” who are here legally and are now paying their share of taxes – can we start allowing them access to our subsidized programs.

We can’t deport all 12 million illegal aliens – not possible. So part of me can see the need to educate the ones that are here now (helps break the cycle of poverty). But it makes no sense to keep the floodgates open and to keep telling those not wanting to go through the normal process of legal immigration to “come on over – get your free health care and free schooling”. While my sister in law and her new husband work and pay taxes, just to get the opportunity to send my nephew to private school to learn what Pedro Jr. gets to learn for free.

Disclaimer: The name Pedro was used to represent the 10-12 million illegal aliens currently estimated to be in this country (most of which are from Latin America). It is in no way meant to be exclusionary to those who may be named Jose, Felipe, Juanita or Jesus. Please see my early posts on illegal immigration before calling me racist.


truth said...

Another good post only I think the number of illegals is closer to 20 million. The mainsteam press will never give accurate numbers so I wonder where you get your estimate. As to sending them home you are correct it will never happen and big business and politicians know this and they count on our goodness and that is how they then come up with all the programs and reasons for them which once they are here make sense. Knowing this I am trying to focus my energies mainly to stop more from coming and the really big thing I want is the language to be English officially. I know without a doubt this causes us to keep separations that would be less if a common language was spoken by all in public. Interested in your thoughts on this. Thanks for your time.

Anonymous said...

I share your thoughts on your rantings. I can't believe that a parent who wants to get a head start on their childs education and are like your sister in law, a middle income American, can get no head start on her sons education. To start "classifying" our children at a pre-k age is absurd. Do the demographics of the Lewisville area support these four catergories? If so ponder this, does Highland Park have the same four criteria for their pre-k program? Or are theirs more social leaning? I have more thoughts on this but my TPS reports are calling and I can't seem to format a sentence today. I guess alcohol might really kill brain cells. I'll look into that and start a blog to report my findings.

Anonymous said...

I believe eveything, but what pisses me off is that I'm suppost to pay 155 a week for my daughter to go to day care. I can't afford that. But were not in the 34 thousand and below for a family of five. And they wonder around here why they don't have that many students. They consider what you make before taxes. Hell, after Uncle Sam and his ex takes child support we'er screwed. The people who live next door make more them my family, but they speak english as a second language so they get so many freebies it's not even funny. Perfect example, My children just got denied the lunch program at school. But our income has not changed, Hello?