Friday, September 30, 2005

More nonsense from me

I want to use today as a day to play catch up. It seems the anti-Bush faction has made some seriously flawed analysis over the last few weeks, and I just want to see how the scorecard reads.

Lets start with the Karl Rove story. Just two months ago I was on the air on the WAC (which can be heard weeknights from 8-10 on Sports Radio 1310 The Ticket) getting an earful from the liberal contingent on how Rove should step down – how he was going to be exposed for the political hack that he is, how he lied, compromised an “undercover agent”, etc, etc. I can’t recall hearing a single story in the last two months on this. What happened?

What about the Katrina, Bush hates black people, story? Just 5 or 6 days after Katrina hit, every man women and child in the blue states was blaming the entire fiasco on President Bush. Blaming him for everything from causing the hurricane (you know – because he didn’t sign the Kyoto treaty. Never mind it was the full Congress that completely rejected the treaty), withholding guard troops because he doesn’t like black people, to staffing FEMA with unqualified political cronies (well…you maybe on to something on this one).

Now that the dust has cleared, or the water has settled, it turns out that the un-informed/ill-informed are getting a civics lesson in how our republican form of government works. You know, states rights and all. Having a President conduct operations in a state without being granted permission by that state is tantamount to King George taxing the colonies without representation. Our founders specifically did not allow this in the new form of government. There are very few instances where the President can control state actions regardless of whether he has an invite or not. And what about the cause of the hurricane? I mean, hurricanes these days are way stronger and more frequent than they use to be – right? Uh, wrong. In fact, here is the homework assignment for today. Provide me a list of all category 5 hurricanes since 1900 – and then, attempt to explain to me how global warming has caused the increase. If you can do that, I will donate $25 to the Red Cross in your name – no joke. Here is a hint though: you wont be able to win this bet. Category 5 hurricanes are DECLINING in frequency!

Anyways, I would love to hear from my liberal friends out there on their thoughts on today’s topics. I wonder if anyone is willing to admit their hatred for President Bush has slightly impeded their ability for sound reasoning. I didn’t really plan on writing this much. I haven’t even touched on Iraq yet. Seems that the Iraqi’s have 82 battalions of combat ready troops as of this morning (according the Gen Richard Meyers). I only tell you that as a public service – you won’t be reading about that in your local paper.

Have a great weekend. I hope to be getting my membership packet this weekend for the Secret Neo-Con Society. We are working on our next vast conspiracy. Details to come.

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