Wednesday, February 01, 2006

SOTU Thoughts

What is up with the Democrats cheering about their failure to reform Social Security? Am I the only one who thought that was a bit “odd”? They take pride in the fact that they defeated the President’s Social Security plan, but failed to offer an alternative. What a twisted sense of accomplishment.

What wasn’t “odd” but was despicable was the reaction, or lack thereof, on the part of several Democrats who would not even clap, much less stand, when it came to Bush’s statements that “we will never surrender to evil” (Charlie Rangel) or when John Lewis refused to stand up when Bush talked about “our love of freedom”. This is a microcosm of what the Democrats stand for. It is a perfect example of their defeatist attitude and their blame America first politics. If you can’t applaud for general freedom statements or pro-victory statements, what the heck are you doing in Congress?

The Democrats official response given by the Gov. of Virginia wasn’t too abrasive (refreshing coming from the party of Howard Dean), but it also lacked something that has been lacking for years – an alternate solution. If the Democrats would counter just one of the President’s plans with a plan of their own, they would gain some credibility. But they don’t. The President summed it up nicely when he said, “Hindsight alone is not wisdom and second guessing is not a strategy.” Well said, sir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said it! I thought it was a very good speech and you could tell he meant everything he said. When they showed the picture of Kerry I thought to myself, I can't believe anyone would vote for him. Cari told Bob last night she was being forced to watch it. Way to go Campbell.
Love you!!!