Thursday, November 09, 2006

"..not a war to win.."

This just in from the new Speaker of House, “It’s not a war to win, it’s a situation to be solved.” - Pelosi

The video here. From Hot Air / Michelle Malkin

As one soldier responded upon hearing this statement, “My M1 Abrams has a lot of problem solving skills.”

Ladies and gentleman – you who voted to “send the Republicans a message”, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you hand the defense and security of this nation over to liberals like Pelosi! Where is the trash can…I am about to be sick!


truth said...

So the cowards and liars got booted from power. Please put the blame where it belongs. Do you really think they should have been rewarded with keeping power after what they have given us?

Jackson said...

And your alternative is......?

Please explain to me how you were pro-life, anti gun control, pro tax cuts, strong on defense, etc, etc, prior to the election, but because you want to "send a message" you are now pro abortion, pro gun control, in favor of high taxes, et, etc?

You pretend like your just "sending a message" and you forget that your message is one that goes against every political belief you have. Explain that to me. If you dont like your elected official in your party, vote their sorry but out in the primary!

truth said...

The message I sent was that I do not reward liars and cowards. That is the foundation of my political beliefs. I could say you and the others in the republican party that have stood behind Bush are reaping what you have sown so blame yourselves not the people that saw the writing on the wall and decided it was time to admit the truth that our party is not what it says it is and will stand on PRINCIPLE and not keep voting for the phonies. Also as a Christian (I know you are one also)I know from reading the Bible things are going to wax worse and worse in the end times so it appears to me things are starting to prove out in that regard. I have tried to vote scum out in primaries but unfortunately my guy had no opposition and try as I might I cannot get many people to even vote in the primaries which as a voter is when they can make the biggest difference(I think you agree with me on that)but laziness and their TV viewing is more important evidently. Anyway do not worry just keep the faith and things will be alright. PS I have prayed that you make the right decision in the matter mentioned in the other post.