It has been some time since I was moved to write. Partly because I have grown weary of banging out my frustrations on the internet and partly because of lack of time. But no more. No more will I let those “who thinks nothing is worth fighting and dying for” hijack the public debate on the war effort.
I was at once moved to gratitude and sickened at the sight of several thousand anti-war peaceniks protesting at the Capital (and defacing it) this weekend. It brings me great pride to know that I live in a country where the most ignorant, un-American, spineless twits among us can legally assemble and protest the policies of this country. But I am sickened that these same people think that it is well within their “right” to spit on (literally) the soldiers who give them this freedom, who think it is their “right” to spray graffiti on the steps of the Capital, who equate the President with Adolf Hitler (Tim Robins). Who are lead in chorus by the most prejudiced among us (Jesse Jackson) and by a lady who wants to be your next President – a lady who in 2003 stated over and over to anyone who would listen how sure she was that invading Iraq was the right thing to do - now, she thinks “not so much”. Do you remember the hot water she was in with her “base” over her support of the war resolution? She assured her “base” of liberal supporters that Sadam was a serious threat. She had “done her homework” on this and realized there was “no other way.” This spineless Senator would now like us to believe she was duped.
The lack of spine in this country is astounding. This spinal malady is spread evenly among the hippies of the 60’s (who are now in their 60’s) and the spineless offspring they brought into this world. Their kids grew up with the amazing ability to see all of the world’s evil and know that America was to blame, but were unable to see any of America’s greatness. This blindness to reality, coupled with the lack of spine is truly a medical phenomenon that will be studied for years to come. I only hope and pray that there are still American’s left to study it. Will anyone really be surprised to see Jane Fonda put on a turban and stand next to Al-Sadr in solidarity against the “imperial devils”? Wait. It’s coming.
“No blood for oil” I am told. Yet I am also told that “the price of oil is too high”. I am told it is too high because “Bush started a war knowing it would drive the price up”. Well, which is it damn it?! Are we there stealing oil for nothing (which would depress the price) or are we there purposely disrupting the supply to drive it up? This lack of critical thinking by the left has me wondering how in the world they become college professors. Is this the critical thinking skills that are being taught on campuses nationwide? Sadam never attacked us? Yeah. Your right - but neither did Adolf Hitler. Huh? That’s right – it was the Imperial Japanese who attacked us and not Germany. We didn’t invade Iraq because they attacked us on 9/11. We invaded them so that would not be ABLE to attack us. Get in your time machine and go back to early December 1941. Would you think it wise to attack the Japanese fleet as they were steaming toward Hawaii?
“We should let diplomacy work.” Sure, just like it worked in Tehran for 444 days of hostage taking, just like it worked with the Kobar Towers, the USS Cole, the now nuclear North Korea and soon to be nuclear Iran. Ask Israel how diplomacy is working for them? Get back in the time machine and ask England how Chamberlin’s diplomacy worked for them. Take the machine back a little more ask George Washington how it worked for him…oh wait. It didn’t – and because he chose not to negotiate with King George and because of people like Thomas Paine (who indeed showed is strong spine by publishing Common Sense) we now have the greatest country ever in the history of ever. Diplomacy is only as effective as your military threat. You cannot have a military threat if you never use military action.
So, no – I am not advocating abridging the First Amendment just because I don’t like what is being said. I am advocating making my voice, and the voice of all those Americans who want victory, heard. This is the greatest country ever assembled. Its greatness preserved by the blood of patriots and by the voice of the patriotic. Patriotism is not manifested by blind support of the government. It is manifested in blind love of country. I dare say the act of spitting on a wounded soldier is the antithesis of patriotism – and I for one will not stand for it.
Disgusting act:
Good to see you posting again. I like the passion and the post is excellent. Alas the people who you want to reach are not interested in truth or anything positive. The crown Hillary king (notice I did not say queen)campaign has begun and the lies and hate that will be put forth will indeed be something to see. I thank God that I know this is something that has to happen (it is still very hard to watch ignorant people destoy themselves)for his plan to be fulfilled but what a shame so many will actually claim they are good Christians and yet they will support someone who is evil personified. They are truly ones who have eyes but never see and ears but never hear. Anyway I look forward to you posting more often.
I must have clicked on the wrong icon, but it wasnt a loss. Waiting to hear more of your Common Sense-- a tool I use daily.
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