Friday, August 18, 2006

The AJ Crowd

Here lately, I have attempted to expand my daily reading regiment - diversify if you will. In addition to the daily stop down at,,, Drudge and others, I have added and to the list. It is the Al Jazeera website that has me so amused.

AJ has a unique format among major media outlets (and let there be no doubt that they are the biggest in that region) in that after most of their “news” stories they allow the posting of comments. This gives their website “blog-like” characteristics, while still maintaining a news reporting format. The comments are the main reason I visit AJ. The news pieces are heavily anti-Israel, anti-American, but provide enough unfiltered facts to be somewhat useful. The comments provide something more useful – a look into the mindset of the Middle Eastern “street”.

Regardless of the topic of the story – everything, and I do mean everything, is the fault of Zionists or Americans. This mentality permeates their entire being – it defines who they are. From the fall of the Ottoman Empire, it appears that every bad thing that has happened to Muslims is of no fault of their own. It is the ultimate victim mentality. The blame game also morphs into the conspiracy theory game. Their theories will put even the Michael Moore/Soros crowd to shame. A sample of comments includes ideas such as: 9/11 was planned by Israel, the Holocaust never happened, the recent London bombing plot is made up – conveniently timed to give neocons a lift in the upcoming elections, and lots more.

I realize a lot of this has to do with their lack of open and free news sources. Although, I have to think that if they have access to the internet and AJ, surely than can check out CNN for Fox News – cant they? Not that they would if they could – they think the US media is in bed with the President – aint that rich! The US MEDIA, a secret supporter of THIS administration?! That might be the best kept secret ever.

I will continue to read the comments and post well reasoned replies. I have been successful so far about 50% of the time in getting my comments past the screener and posted to their website. Hopefully I can add a little sanity to an otherwise insane world.

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