Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May Day Madness

Here is what makes no sense to me. Leaving work yesterday around 6 in downtown Dallas, I can hear the loudspeakers from the illegal immigration rally blaring Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to an American” song, the one played around July 4th every year. I’m thinking to myself, “Ok, well maybe they are starting to get this idea of being an American. Maybe there is hope that they will see the importance of learning the English language and assimilating – which doesn’t mean forgetting your own culture – and maybe we can find a good solution to this issue – one that protects our borders and ensures that legal immigration is sufficient to support the demand for their labor”. But then, I get in my car, turn on the radio and hear sound bites from rallies all across the nation yesterday and I hear stuff like, “…if anyone needs deporting it is the white man in Los Angeles”, and “this is our land…it was stolen…and we are going to take it back…”. I even heard one clip of someone calling for an “Intifada”! Just what we need, angry white-hating Mexicans joining forces with Islamo-fascists’.

So now I am both mad (at the violent threats being thrown my way by La Raza and the like) and confused. Are they really “proud to be an American” or do they despise us for demanding that they follow our immigration laws? Why do Mexicans feel they are so much more important than the Indian, Chinese or Irish person (the Irish, by the way, have extremely long wait times to legal citizenship) who has been waiting in the immigration line for 2 years or more? They tell me that this was their land in the first place and they have a “right’ to skip ahead. Uh, I think the Apache, and other native tribes may have something to say about that. Not only did the United States “win” Texas in a war (more than one), but we also PAID for it! I got news for you, this land wasn’t stolen!

And another thing – where do you get off calling me a gringo in my country? Gringo means foreigner, typically a derogatory term for Americans in Mexico. I will give these racist hate mongers a few more weeks to slither back in to obscurity, but if by June or so, they are still calling for my death and deportation, well, its about time I take that concealed handgun class and make sure my family is safe from their anti-white, anti-American hatred. And to think, previously my worst fear was being the victim of Osama Bin Laden’s next terrorist attack, when all along, it was Jesse Diaz of LULAC that I needed to fear – fear he might put me on a boat and “deport me back to England”. As if my ancestors even came from England! Ignorance is bliss.


truth said...

Si senor.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.