Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A downtown grocer - why didnt I think of that?!

A new grocery store opened up recently in downtown Dallas – and by downtown, I mean directly in the heart of the CBD…and by new, I mean the first of its kind. This is good for downtown, and will help comfort those residents who have already ventured back into the CBD and will likely lure in the next wave. But there is just one problem…they STOLE MY IDEA!!

Three years ago while going through grad school I worked on a project with two other classmates. The development project was for a downtown grocery/bar/café to be located in the middle of downtown (sound familiar). The area was just starting to see the first wave of new residents and the closest grocery store was located on Lemon and McKinney Ave. – not very close and not easy to get to.

My group did it all from costing the job, researching demographics and running IRR calculations. I recall getting an A on the project and thinking to myself - self, why don’t you actually do this deal. Then self responded, “because I’m poor”!

Oh well. Good luck to whoever it was who stole the brilliant idea. The similarities are way to close to have been purely a coincidence.

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