Thursday, July 14, 2005

I'm back! Thank you..hold your applause

I’m back. Back from a much-needed vacation, only to be so backed up with work from missing over a week, that I now feel like I need another vacation. I gotta hand it to the French and their 30 hour work week. In fact, I think that may be the answer to a trivia question: Name one redeeming value to living in France? What is, the 30-hour workweek?

There has been a lot going on in the news lately so lets play news quick-hits, shall we.

Karl Rove did not take the initiative to seek out a reporter who would run with a story about Valerie Plame. He responded to an email from the Time reporter and cautioned him about going forward with the Wilson story on Niger/Yellowcake/Sadaam. Too bad Time didn’t head his warning. As the 9/11 Commission proved, Wilson lied about who sent him, lied about briefing the Vice President and lied about issuing any type of written report of his trip. For more on his lies check the GOP site.

The NHL has ended their version of the Cold War and agreed to terms. I remember reading that under no circumstances would the players union agreed to a salary cap. Guess what? There will be a 53% salary cap for the next 6 years. Unions in general played a very important role many, many years ago. The union has now outlived its usefulness in America.

It appears that George Bush and Tony Blair are to blame for the recent London terrorist attacks. Oh, you didn’t know that?! It says so right there in The Guardian. Need more confirmation, just check out any BBC report that comes out. Why is it that the BBC refuses to use the word terrorist? The first reports from the BBC on the London attacks described it as a terrorist act. However, the reports that ran later that day scrubbed the word terrorist and replaced it with the word “bombers”. Evidentially, they changed this because viewers/readers didn’t understand why the BBC refused to label the terrorist in Iraq as such (instead call them militants), but were quick to label the attackers in London as terrorist. So, what does the BBC do? They sugar coat all acts of violence perpetrated by people intent on killing innocent civilians (what you and I call TERRORIST) by calling them “militants” or “bombers” or “mean people”. Political correctness lives on in Great Britain. BBC responds by saying this: Link

Keeping an up to date blog takes lots of time. I have $0.02 to offer on most any and all current events, but sure don’t have the time to put them into words and post on a daily basis. I do have a new blog that I started reading recently: Black Five – The Paratrooper of Love. This is one of the better Military Blogs out there. I have added him to my Links on the left.


truth said...

Finally got around to checking out your blog. It's funny how you write coherently while on my blog I tend to rant because I know it does not make any difference as liberals do not really want anything but their way to hell with the consequences. Anyway I think that instead of replying to some of the clowns on my blog I will send them to you so I can be lazy and let them read your better written blogs.PS I do have one complaint as to why you threw me under the bus by saying I said or implied all liberals would be assaulted at the airport?

Jackson said...

That probably falls under the category of my thinking faster than I could type. I essentially agreed with your original point - and was attempting to soften the blow (your original statement was pretty extreme, although not necessarily inacurate) - what I ended up doing was misrepresenting you - for which case I apologize.

By the way - I will be on with Richard and the Circus tonight.

truth said...

Thanks for that and I am sorry to say I did not read your response until after the show but hope to catch you next time. Hope you got through to Hunter . Yeah right.