Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Today's entry

I joined The Circus last night for the first time in a long while. I thought it was a pretty good show, and as always, Richard saved some political stuff for me to discuss. And true to form, I think equal airtime was given to both sides – thank you Richard for the invite.

Deborah Orin is reporting in the NY Post today that Valerie “I’m a secret operative” Plame gave $325 to the anti-Bush fund raising concert last year starring Bruce Springsteen. Orin states:

“It's the first revelation that Plame participated in anti-Bush political activity while working for the CIA.
The $372 donation to the anti-Bush group America Coming Together, first reported by Time magazine's Web site, was made in Plame's married name of Valerie E. Wilson and covered two tickets.
The Federal Election Commission record lists her occupation as "retired" even though she's still a CIA staffer. Under employer it says: "N.A."

I don’t really make too much of this, just thought it was interesting. Next time you see or read about an ex-CIA/Justice Official/etc. give their expert opinion on something, don’t automatically assume that their opinion is without bias just because they served in some particular role. Federal employees are just like everyone else, they form political opinions and vote just like you and me. We can only hope that their political leanings don’t get in the way of their job.

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