Friday, January 13, 2006

Terrorist wish list - disposable phones

It is highly suspicious that just THREE days after the NY Times broadcast to the world details about the NSA wiretap program, that a group of Middle Eastern men with known ties to terrorist cells (in Dallas) were arrested after attmepting to purchase between 60-150 prepaid TracPhones (phones that are near impossible to trace - because nobody knows who owns it)!!!

Michelle Malkin has a good roundup on the details of this story, which are just now starting to see the light of day.

Good grief - does the media have no regard for national security? We tell the entire world that we are tapping international calls between known terrorists and others in the US...and what happens next? They switch their method of communication and go out and buy disposable phones that cant be traced!! I was OUTRAGED over the initial story - and even more so now.

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