Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Interesting Demand

“Insurgents Demand Withdrawal of U.S. Forces in Iraq in 2 Years”,2933,201295,00.html

This is hilarious! I took this headline from on 6/28/06. You can look up and read the story yourself – but that is not the point. I find it funny (in a disgusting kind of way) that the people who are attacking our troops in Iraq want us to stay longer than Jack Murtha (D – Idiotsville), Ted Kennedy (D - Runk), etc! The bad guys want us there for two years and the Senator from Massachusetts wants us out now!

Here is what people fail to see. The people attacking us over there are in two camps (as a manner of oversimplifying things for discussion purposes): the Al Queda type who hate us just because (and who are mostly foreign to Iraq), and the former Bath Party loyalists who are pissed that they are no longer in control as they were under Sadam. The Bathists hate the AQ terrorists because they would just as soon kill innocent Iraqis as they would Americans. In fact, that was their game plan for a while – in order to start a civil war. The former Bathists are starting to realize that a free democratic society is in their best interest, but they don’t want the ugly American infidels telling them how to run their country. Of course – as the headline points out – they don’t want the ugly American infidel to leave either because the AQ types will unleash unfettered chaos on innocent Iraqi people. Now that all Iraq government seats are filled, the Bathist know that their only means of survival is to join the political (which equates to peaceful) process.

The news out of Iraq gets better every week. And despite the weekly loss of American life that still continues over there, the fruits of their labor is becoming more and more clear to those who will just pay attention.


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Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

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