Monday, August 01, 2005

Dispatches from Mosul

Michael Yon is required reading for me every time he issues a new “report”. Yon is the author of Danger Close and former Green Beret. I have not read his book yet, but I understand it is a first hand account of his hardships growing up and his time in the military. But, what I really like about Mike is his reporting out of Iraq. Mike is stationed with the 1-24th Infantry Regiment (Deuce Four) of the 25th Infantry Division near Mosul. He provides extremely detailed accounts of what is going on in that region. According to his website, “Michael Yon is an independent, informed observer chronicling the monumentally important events in the efforts to stabilize Iraq. His dispatches have the benefit of his life experiences without drawbacks based on deadlines or demands of marketplace. The cost of these dispatches is borne solely by Michael.”

I mention all of this to bring attention to his recent dispatches titled “Battle of Mosul”. It is a multi-part dispatch and is a long read, but well worth it. It is not a sugarcoated account of life in this area. There is very little politics involved – just the truth about what our soldiers go through and the progress that they are making to secure that region. The progress part is what you will not find in the MSM. In between feelings of hatred toward the enemy after reading about their efforts to use hospitals and schools for attacks, and sadness for the SEAL heroes who recently died, you come away with a deep patriotic feeling, knowing that are men and women in the military are second to none – at least I do. I hope you take the time to read some of Michael Yon’s work, I think you will like it.

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