Friday, August 19, 2005

Great American Debate Ground Rules

Ground Rules for the Great American Debate:

1. Please come to the debate with an opinion (any opinion)

2. Fence sitting is frowned upon. Remember, this is a friendly debate, not a love-in

3. You cannot summarily dismiss information provided by an opponent based simply on the author or source of that information. Example: A conservative shouldn’t refuse to believe Al Franken when he says that President Bush lost more jobs than Hoover – until said conservative is able to pull the actual government data showing how big of a liar Al Franken really is.

4. Name-calling is frowned upon and profanity is not allowed. Names like “idiot” and “moron” should not be used until your opponent has clearly earned this label. You can’t earn a label like “moron” just because your opinion is different. Your opinion has to be based on a verifiable lie or misstatement, or your opinion is completely void of higher thinking – beyond say a 7th grade level.

5. If at the end of the debate, you can’t go have a beverage with your opponent and talk about something other than the debate topic, you have failed at the Great American Debate and lose your debating privileges for a month.

6. You do not have to have served in the military to have an opinion on military topics. Just like I am not on welfare, but I can have an opinion on welfare policies in this country. If previous life experiences were a determining factor for entry into the debate, the debate would be waged by only a small group of people depending on the topic. I didn’t serve in the military, but I am an educated person who is as current as any civilian can be on our foreign policy, I think I should have my opinion heard. Just like you may have never worked a day in your life, but you still get to tell us how our tax money should be spent. I wouldn’t tell you to “go get a job first”, and then come tell me about how the city/state/federal govt. should spend tax money. You don’t call me a “chicken-hawk” when I try to express an opinion on the war. Besides, whenever you use a word that was created by an extreme group or individual, you show the world that you are only good are reciting copy points (chicken-hawk vs femi-nazi).

These are not hard rules to follow. Yet, too many people think they already know it all and look down with contempt on those with different opinions. If you believe in something, but don’t have any facts, just say so. Some things can be a matter of faith or a gut feeling. Murder trials can be won without a body. Just don’t act like you have all the answers when your opponent questions your stance.

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