Thursday, August 18, 2005

Local story

This morning I had a surprise edition to my morning reading material on my lawn. Evidentially, the Allen American Statesman decided to throw some free copies in our neighborhood. I didn’t have time to read much of it this morning, but one story featured something that I found amusing. The story was about a string of robberies where the thief was making off with lots of guns, among other things. The police offer/chief (not sure) said something along the lines of “that is why people need to lock their guns in safes…” Then the very next line talked about how the robber made off with guns, jewelry and SAFES!

So I suppose, you can lock you gun in your safe, in which case if someone breaks in at night, you wont have time to get to and if someone breaks in during the day, they will likely cart off your entire safe…either way, you cant win.

I think I will continue to keep mine within reach. That’s not to say those of us with little kids around shouldn’t take EVERY precaution against them getting their hands on it. Parents should always err on the side of their children’s safety versus their desire to be armed against the unlikely event of a home invasion.

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