Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm awake now

I have been awoken from my blogging slumber by the sound of disrespect for America’s finest. My last post was around two months ago. My hiatus was brought on by a combination of burn-out, busy work schedule, and a shift in my interests from politics to foreign policy. I have spent the last several months engrossed in foreign policy study and am quite certain that out of the four people who read this blog, only maybe one is interest in foreign policy – so why bother. But, I suppose the real reason for this blog is not for others, but for me to hone my writing skills; so in that regard, I suppose I have let myself down? Not that this is a political blog either as I have posted other light-hearted things as well…..I digress.

So what was the alarm clock that ended the hibernation? I wouldn’t do it justice if I paraphrased it, so here it is in its unedited form:

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” – John F. Kerry, (D) Massachusetts

And that ladies and gentleman, is the “October Surprise”, coming on the last day of October to be precise.

The delusional Senator from Mass. was speaking to a group of college students in California as part of a campaign boost to the Democratic candidate for California Governor. According to a reporter who was there, upon making this elitist statement, some laughed while others gasped. Folks, when a room full of liberal Democrats “gasp”, you know that statement must be bad. Of course, Kerry goes on the offensive after being called on the carpet for this saying that he was really trying to insult the President and not the troops. He said it was a “botched joke”. I recall that the President had a slightly better GPA at Yale than did Kerry and also has an MBA from Harvard. How was Kerry attempting to discredit the President’s education? He wasn’t. His disdain for the military came through yet again. As if his 1970’s anti-American, anti-soldier statements were not enough. As if his 2005 Meet The Press statements referring to our soldiers in Iraq as terrorists wasn’t enough – he opens his mouth once again and defames those in our all volunteer, highly educated armed forces.

Currently, 99.9% of enlisted forces have a high school education, 49.2% have advanced or professional degrees, 39.4% have masters and 1.3% have doctorates. All of this is lost on Kerry and other Democrats who want to portray our armed service as a place of last resort for those with no other options. Watch me as I reach into my back pocket and pull out the B.S flag and throw it onto the field!

Congratulations Democrats. You just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory – or so it seems.

Now its time for me to hit snooze and get back to more important things. You can count on one thing though, and that is I am guaranteed to write something on November 8th – one way or another. Til then…..

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