Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Just another day

I woke up this morning the same way I always do…to my son’s pointy elbow planted squarely in the small of my back (note: the fact that my four year old still sleeps in our bed is a topic for another day – feedback on getting him to his own bed greatly appreciated though). Despite the loss of the House and likely the Senate the world still goes ‘round. I will need to start planning though for the Democratic agenda.

First thing I will do is increase my savings rate this next year to cover the increase in taxes that will take effect when the Democrats raise them by expiring the Bush tax cuts. Oh…you didn’t know they were going to do that? Interesting that remarks by Charlie Rangle were not widely publicized when he said that there is not one of the Bush tax cuts that will continue when he becomes Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. So, that’s first – save for the higher taxes I get to pay.

Second thing I will do is purchase stock in the major agriculture corporations. As disappointed as conservatives have been about the Republican efforts to control the border, the Democrats will do even less. Most Democrats have voted against every major border security bill this past year. They are in favor of near blanket amnesty and the liberal wing of the party (redundant) is in favor of an open border policy. So who benefits? The big business types who live off the below market wages paid to the millions of illegal’s crossing our border. I might as well hedge my bets and ride the corporate profits on up. I will need those extra dividends to cover the increasing cost of medical care, education, etc that results from the burden that illegal immigrants place on the system.

The third thing I will do is pray. I will pray that the liberal leadership will not carry through with their cut and run strategy in Iraq. I will pray that they do not stop funding the war effort like they did in Vietnam. I pray that they do not force our troops to come home with their tale between their legs like they did in Vietnam and more recently in Somalia. UBL knows this is our history. He has called our military a “paper tiger” based on the Somalia “Black Hawk Down” conflict. An early withdrawal will be another piece of reinforcing evidence to this idea. The Democrats are controlled by the Kennedy, Kerry, Murtha, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin wing (I could list about 50 more) who see no problem with leaving the Iraq people to fend for themselves against anti-democracy forces. Forces who think nothing of stoning women for being raped; who execute those who are Christian, who don’t allow women to be educated, much less drive a car. Forces who have not only vowed destruction to America, but to anyone who dares question their extremist religious views. This is no longer about whether or not we should have gone to war in Iraq. We are there now. It is about winning. It is about doing what is right – now. Do I have confidence that the Democrats will honor our commitment to Iraq and to our troops? No, not really. They bath mouth our soldiers and equate them to Nazi (Durbin), terrorist (Kerry), and “managers or rape rooms” (Kennedy). Why should they be trusted with our military?

Conservatives didn’t lose the elections last night – Republicans did. Republicans have two years to decide if they are going to come back to the party of Ronald Reagan or if they are going to be nothing more than democrats who happen to be strong on defense.
I have plenty more to say, especially concerning the voters who were anti-abortion prior to election night and miraculously decided to all the sudden become pro-abortion. More later…but life goes on.

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