Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rummy out

So Rumsfeld is gone. The timing of this is terrible! He should have stepped down two weeks ago and given those Republicans who are pro-war but against the way it has been prosecuted a reason to vote, or a reason not to switch parties (as if there was a real reason to switch parties in the first place). This really ticks me off now that I think about it. I know why he left today. It has nothing to do with his ability or lack of to handle the war effort. It has to do with the Dems owning both houses and him knowing that his coming days were going to be filled with witch hunts, subpoenas and all manner of liberal bashing. And given that, his ability to lead would be seriously damaged. But come on! The writing has been on the wall for a month now (regarding Dem takeover). If he wasn’t going to tough it out he should have stepped aside earlier! And now we get an Aggie running the show! Let the jokes begin. In all seriousness though, I think Gates may do well. He gets mixed reviews for his time at CIA, but he is fresh in a sense that he has been away from Washington for a while. Maybe that’s good, maybe not.


Anonymous said...

Rumsfeld's ouster is untimely but necessary if the President wants any credibility during the next 2 years. Like it or not (and I don't)the people have spoken, and it would be an act of total arrogance by the Pres to ignore the election results. I don't believe for a minute that this was Rumsfelds idea, but it was probably a good idea by someone. It in part, derails the hue and cry that was due to start any minute from the left, and has the plausible appearance of being the Presidents proactive idea. The first of many cusualties I'm afraid...

Jackson said...

I agree it was necessary. I just wish it would have come last year. There are plenty of good things to say about Rumsfeld (moving our fighting forces away from lumbering giants to a swift, lethal, lean fighting force) - but there are plenty of things to say about his strategy to win the war after the war (so to speak).